We'd love to meet you! Join us

Study with Chavrusa

Every 3 weeks

Shabbos Minyan with Luncheon

Our organization is 501(c)(3) approved

Every donation is highly appreciated!

Donate now

Main Subjects


Deep dive into the intricate debates and discussions of Jewish law and ethics, stimulating critical thinking and providing a profound connection to Jewish tradition.


In-depth dive into Jewish law and actual practice through the views of different Rabbis during different generations.

Jewish Philosophy

A profound exploration of life's meaning and purpose, as perceived by different Rabbinical figures, including the greatest Rationalist - Maimonides (The Rambam) - enriching both personal and intellectual perspectives.


Torah approach to perfecting one's inner life and character trains, such as humility, trust in G-d, compassion and inner peace; provides practical guidance of ethical guidance based on Jewish Teachings.

About Us

Why did we start CKFL?

TL;DR - להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה - To enlarge and glorify Torah!

Torah is universal and encompasses all people and areas of life. We wanted to have a place of Torah that anyone, no matter their level of observance, Jewish educational background, native language, age or profession, could come to and learn what interests them. We have participants from age 10 to 70+, from taxi drivers to scientists, those who are just starting out to observe Torah and mitsvos and those who have been doing it their whole life, and so on.

We started in Elul תשפ"ב (August 29th, 2022) as a Limmud program just for the month Elul. It went well... so well that we're still here. What we found throughout the process is that we are lucky to have an amazing community here in Fair Lawn, one that appreciates the value of Torah study and is willing to dedicate time and resources for it.

You can read more about the foundation of CFKL on the Jewish Link.

Shiur and Dinner at CKFL

The People

Meet our Teachers

Rabbi Aryeh (Leo) Grinberg - photo
Rosh Kollel

Rabbi Aryeh Grinberg LinkedIn icon

Rabbi Grinberg is a community spiritual leader known for his compassionate guidance and deep scholarly insights. Born in Moscow and moved to Fair Lawn at age 13, he did not grow up immersed in Jewish tradition and learning. But after finishing his engineering degree at the Cooper Union, he studied in different yeshivas and obtained smicha from Rabbi Herschel Ausch of Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

Languages: Hebrew, English, Russian and Spanish

Availability: Mondays and Thursdays

R' Dovid Kreslavskiy - photo
Jewish Philosophy Teacher

R' Dovid Kreslavskiy, PhD LinkedIn icon

Reb Dovid Kreslavskiy has dedicated many years to learning and teaching Jewish philosophy. His primary teaching areas include TaNaCH, aggadata and chassidus. He also holds a PhD in Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization.

Languages: English and Russian

Availability: Mondays (+Wednesdays on Zoom)

Rabbi Andrew Schultz - photo
Teacher for native English-speakers

Rabbi Andrew Schultz LinkedIn icon

Rabbi Andrew (Andy) Schultz is the full-time Executive Director of the Community Alliance for Jewish-Affiliated Cemeteries (CAJAC), and assists in ensuring Jews from New York, New Jersey, and beyond are buried in accordance with halacha. Rabbi Schultz is the police chaplain of both the Fair Lawn and Elmwood Park police departments and is an active member of Chaverim of Bergen County. Rabbi Schultz teaches Torah to English speakers from all walks of life.

Languages: English

Availability: Mondays and Thursday

R' Menachem Rothschild - photo
Teacher for native Hebrew-speakers

R' Menachem Rothschild LinkedIn icon

R' Rothschild is a graduate of the renowned Mir Yeshivah in Israel, where he honed his expertise in Torah study. With a deep love for teaching and a commitment to sharing his knowledge with others, R' Rothschild has dedicated himself to educating Israelis of all levels in the teachings of the Torah.

Languages: Hebrew

Availability: Mondays and Thursday

R' Ephraim Bibi - photo
Halacha Expert

R' Ephraim Bibi Vimeo icon

More than a decade ago, Ephraim Bibi was a professional Israeli actor. Not anymore. After a short business-trip to New York, he became a Baal-Teshuva. Fast-forward, R' Bibi is an Halacha Expert who is proficient with both Sephardic and Ashkenazi Minhagim.

Languages: Hebrew and English

Availability: Mondays and Thursday

R' Gil Ben-Ari - photo
Gemara Expert

R' Gil Ben-Ari LinkedIn icon

With a profound understanding of the complexities of the Talmud, R' Ben-Ari is here to elucidating its teachings for students of all levels.

Languages: Hebrew, English and Russian

Availability: Mondays

CFKL during the first month of opening


We love questions

Do I have to be observant in order to join?
Absolutely not! The Kollel is open to Jews from all walks of life. Currently we accommodate only studies for men, but if there's demand we can look into assigning teachers for women too.
Yourself + ideally also friends and family members. We provide books as well as refreshments.

IMPORTANT: Please contact us prior to attending for the first time, so we can give you the code to the entrance.
Sure! We will assign them someone to learn with. Please note that ALL children and teenagers must be accompanied by their parents.
Our kollel is open for FREE to every Jewish person in and around Fair Lawn.
Our organization is supported by generous donations from within and outside our community. All our financial statements are fully transparent, and you can ask for them at any given time.
Yes, Hamerkaz Shelanu - Community Kollel of Fair Lawn is a 501(c)(3) approved organization since November 17, 2022. Tax ID: 88-4324593.
Yes! We support Fair Lawn local kosher small-businesses with Pizza / Sushi every Monday night, and meat Chulent every Thursday night.